Saturday, April 4, 2009

Should condom dispensers be placed in Dominican High Schools and at State College?

Let me start by making a confession. I’d never personally seen a condom dispenser before arriving at UWI, where I spotted one prominently mounted next to a water fountain. Condom dispensers are not that common in Dominica (are there even any?)......

I do recall though, reading in our local newspapers sordid stories of janitors finding students engaged in freaky sex in the bathrooms at State College. And we all know of high school students who start doing it from as early as 1st form, in various places @ school or the nearby bushes! The song “Have you ever” by MFR had to have gotten its inspiration somewhere!

Students having sex is a reality. So should condom dispensers be placed in the high schools and State College of Dominica? I’ve broken it down into a few Pros and Cons.

-Not all students (especially females!) have the courage to go to stores to buy condoms and face the nosy store clerks(who may even know their parents!) Dispensers=more privacy
- Condoms in dispensers are usually cheaper than those at a store. Not having the money could be one reason why young people don’t use condoms all the time.
- Unprotected sex often occurs spontaneously. It wasn’t planned so no one thought to bring a "rubber". Dispensers close by make it possible to get protection even in such situations.
-Religious nutjobs who preach abstinence only would point out (quite validly actually) that this will likely encourage more students to have sex, by sending a message that its OK to do it once they ‘wrap it up.’
-There’s no certainty that students will actually make use of it. When you’re young and naive its easy to believe that pregnancy or getting an STD would never happen to you, until it does.
-I’ve known of persons who carried away entire payphones to steal the coins(smh). The opportunity to steal money and a boatload of condoms might be too hard to resist for some!

What do you think? Should condom dispensers be placed in our schools?

Check out this hilarious commercial which has over 15 million views on YouTube!!


  1. YES!!! This would promote safe sex, Lower the rate of Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Transmitted disease.

  2. yes i think they should promote the dispensers in school so it will have safer sex and reduce the rate of aids

  3. its better to be safe than sorry

  4. condoms at school really is a nice idea but the pros and cons pretty much balance out each other. what i think is that instead of puttin them in schools they should be placed near schools. so that they do not just influence persons but just in case the individuals involved can just take a 5 minute pause and secure themselves some condoms.

  5. che_aleykum said...
    condoms at school really is a nice idea but the pros and cons pretty much balance out each other. what i think is that instead of puttin them in schools they should be placed near schools. so that they do not just influence persons but just in case the individuals involved can just take a 5 minute pause and secure themselves some condoms.

    April 7, 2009 3:05 PM
    I like the way you think!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey Chad... Thanks for the head's up re your blog. I mean... i could wax philosophical about it, but the truth is, teenagers have sex. And these days, there are not shy about it either. Should there be condom dispensers in schools? I dont think so. Perhaps as another person mentioned, maybe they should be made readily available at some other location.. not on the premises.

    Any ways.. what i wanted to say was... That commercial is VERY FUNNY... and what point does it make? If you dont want to have brats, wear a condom?? lol

  8. Any ways.. what i wanted to say was... That commercial is VERY FUNNY... and what point does it make? If you dont want to have brats, wear a condom?? lol

    April 8, 2009 9:06 AM
    yeah i think that was the point of the commercial... if the dad had used condoms he wouldn't be in that position!

  9. umm i dont like the fact that u sed religious NUTJOBS Mr. Ambo! ANYWAYS i agree wid d person that said they shouldn't be in school but near to schools or just more accessible on a whole. Putting them in the schools is jus sendin too bad a message

  10. The way life is going right now it seems like they gotta put condom dispensers in primary school too. LOL

    Anyways on a more serious note I think that they should put condom dispensers in high schools and colleges. And they should also increase sex ed classes which not only promate safe sex but abstinance. Maybe if teenagers get constantly bombared with the messages of Abstainance and Safe Sex then hopefully one will stick. Because those who want to have sex will have sex no matter how much we wax poetically about abstaining and if we can just save one teenager from an STD or an unwanted pregnancy and possible abortion with the availabilty of condoms it's worth whatever hassle the bible toting fire and brimestone predictors can give.

  11. i think it would be a good promotion cause chidren would get the oppotunity to get condoms without being embarassed, and in the processs help prevent the risk of sexually trnsmitted diseases.

  12. When I was a teen growing into adulthood my generation was taught that sex outside marriage was a sin. This was based on the Bible which calls it fornication. It seemed to have a lot of support. It was part of the much larger foundation my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents had built their lives. None of them had been divorced. Their marriages all lasted "til death do part" and in spite of world wars, depresions, and times of poverty, they gave every reason to believe they were happy. In my teen years it was rare to meet an unwed mother. Teen pregnancies? I do remember two or three cases but they were not common place. Sexually transmitted diseases? We were aware that they existed but I personally never know a person who had one. We were taught abstinence. It was not an unreasonable burden to bear. It seemed the right way to live. When I was nineteen I met the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. (My perspective of course.) We were both virgins and we remained virgins until our wedding night a year and four months later. During that time our love and respect for each other grew by each passing month. In April 2013 if God spares us both we will celebrate a marriage that has lasted fifty years. We are both ordained ministers in the Pentecostal faith so I guess this (along with the fact that we preach abstinence) makes us "religious nut jobs". But it is a life I recommend! Your friends, Donald and Sarah Hill, Pentecostal Evangelists at
