Friday, April 3, 2009

Top Six Reasons why we need Paros(vagrants)

So I was reading this story on DominicaNewsOnline(whose photo i'm using btw) about the vagrants the police have stopped from washing buses on the public bus stop in Roseau. It made me think, what would life be like without your friendly neighbourhood Paro??

So here goes, my Top Six Reasons why we need paros:

1. Blatant Exploitation. Who else can you get to weed your yard in blistering hot sun, clean your drain, trim yourhedges, discard that rusty old stove,all while stinking your lazy pet dog to life, for less money than you spent the last time you bought a 2 piece combo at KFC?

2. Entertainment. On a boring, dreary Sunday afternoon , with nothing good showing on TV, a swear-fest between two paros might be just what u need for some good old-fashioned comic relief! Tip: feel free to record it on your camera phone for future reference.

3. Special Services. Feel like eating mango but its not mango season? Like making cherry juice from your hated neighbour's tree? Need some crabs for Creole Day but don't have the license? Or maybe you need something simple done, like cow sh*%t dumped in the car of your cobus? Who you gonna call? A paro!

4. Standpipe car wash. Need your car washed in fast forward? Call a paro..Tip: I would recommend though that its just an outside wash if it's not your regular paro. They've been known to pocket stuff accidentally. It's freakin' amazing what they can fit into their pockets too. Real Houdini ish....i'm telling you.....

5. Reality check. Feel like your life is falling apart? Relationship drama got you down? Financial Stress? Overworked? Take a look at a paro and realize, things are not as bad as they seem!

6. Nose checker. OK so you're watching Slumdog Millionaire on dvd while cooking, your rice gets burned to a crisp, but you didn't smell a thing! Your love interest asks if you like their new perfume/ cologne but you honestly can't tell the difference...... Want to know if your nose is still working? Get a paro!

So there you go folks, was planning to go to top ten but i've got UWI assignments staring at me menacingly over here...

Feel free to add your own reasons why we need paros. And if u're feeling my blog post the link to a friend!


  1. Lol. You are truly something special. Especially love reasons 1,2 and 3. let me see if I can come up with a #7

    Unexpected Champion. Ever had a parro see light on you and take a liking to you? You've made a friend for life. S/He will look out for you, cuss somebody out for you, fight for you basically be your back up in a ro-ro.

  2. Perhaps we should have more compassion for those in our society who are so troubled, rather than make jokes at their expense.

  3. OMG that was HILARIOUS!!! Aretha, trust you.

  4. Hey MKG...they put themselves in the situation to get laughed at. Rien a faire because most of them are educated enough to know where their options are for help and choose drugs as their lifestyle so what to do nuh? Ca pou fer but laugh.
    And btw, you Mr.MKG are guilty, yes, guilty of hiring parros for washing your Sunny back in the day too.

  5. MKG said...
    Perhaps we should have more compassion for those in our society who are so troubled, rather than make jokes at their expense.

    April 3, 2009 12:35 PM
    lighten up its all in good fun. i don't think any of the paros read my blog

  6. MKG this is all in good fun. If we wanted to have a deep convo about the plight of the vagrants then we would have because I know amplified could have had a deep thought provoking piece if that was the intention and then the rest of us would have followed suit. We're not trivialising their plight but in life you have to be able to see the humor in all around you or else you will be stuck in a constant state of morbidness. Anwyas back to the kix...

    Number 8
    Ever wanted to feel important. Well get your very own parro and you can feel like a rockstar baby. You'll always be addressed with awe and respect when you're trying to be convinced to part with the moula. LOL. Ms Aretha P to you baby.

  7. We need the paros to make us feel good about ourselves. 'cause you know when you give them a dollar you feel like you've done your good deed for the day.

  8. Number 9- Role-model

    A perfect role model of what not to be. We can use them as examples to teach our young people the circumstances of our actions. What we do today affects our future.

  9. well sometimes we feel a bit lazy to do work so then the only solution to that is just look for a paro on the street or call one passing by and they come do your work for you.

  10. paros are real special people sometimes we need them in our daily life so i think that you should treat them equal and try to help them change their life and not make fun of them because they are human jus like us

  11. parros are the shit . who else is gonna act a fool like a rum roy or clean up a yard that would take you 3 days in 5 minutes.

  12. boy u dam right bout everything u just the one about known for paro entertainment...just check youtube u will see why....but other han that i dont really like seeing them out on the streets like that but its kinda beneficial at times..
